Welcome! Here you will find information about what our school curriculum looks like, how it has been designed and how this links to the teaching and learning experiences we offer to our children.
If you want to see what learning is happening in each class over the year, please navigate your way to the class pages.
We are proud to offer a curriculum that provides opportunities for our children to engage in experiences that promote a love of learning whilst developing key skills and knowledge that the children can apply in life. We have designed a curriculum which celebrates the autonomy of the whole High Hesket CE School community and meets the needs of all of the children in our care; ensuring flexibility if needed to provide for the unique learners in our school. We like to adapt to address topical issues and current affairs and so our curriculum is both reflective and forward thinking.
Our rich, broad and balanced curriculum is underpinned by four curriculum drivers: our High Hesket CE School values; a CIDIO approach (Can I Do It Outside?); global citizenship and metacognition (learning how we learn). Being a Church of England School, our values reflect our Christian beliefs and this ethos is embedded within everything we do. These drivers form part of our progression of knowledge, skills and behaviours, which support our curriculum framework.
Our teaching and learning ensures continuity and progression are being delivered in a coherent and rigorous way; supporting the implementation of a broad and balanced curriculum. Children leave our school as confident, resilient learners who progress to become active, responsible citizens that are aware of the world and their role in it.