Performance Data

End of Key Stage 2 results 2023/2024

Percentage of children achieving the expected standard:

% of children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined: 76%
% of children achieving the expected standard in reading: 76%
% of children achieving the expected standard in writing: 81%
% of children achieving the expected standard in maths: 81%
% of children achieving the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 81%
% of children achieving the expected standard in science: 86%

Percentage of children achieving the higher standard:

% of children achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and maths combined: 10%
% of children achieving the higher standard in reading: 38%
% of children achieving the higher standard in writing: 19%
% of children achieving the higher standard in maths: 33%
% of children achieving the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 48%

Average scaled scores:

Average scaled score in reading: 108
Average scaled score in maths: 107
Average sclaed scored in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 110

End of Key Stage 2 results 2022/2023 

Percentage of children achieving the expected standard:

  • % of children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined: 77%
  • % of children achieving the expected standard in reading: 90%
  • % of children achieving the expected standard in writing: 84%
  • % of children achieving the expected standard in maths: 81%
  • % of children achieving the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 84%
  • % of children achieving the expected standard in science: 94%

Percentage of children achieving the higher standard:

  • % of children achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and maths combined: 6%
  • % of children achieving the higher standard in reading: 29%
  • % of children achieving the higher standard in writing: 13%
  • % of children achieving the higher standard in maths: 16%
  • % of children achieving the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 26%

Average scaled scores:

  • Average scaled score in reading: 107.6
  • Average scaled score in maths: 104.7
  • Average sclaed scored in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 105.7

Progress scores:

  • Progress score for reading: 1.39 (Average)
  • Progress score for writing: 0.25 (Average)
  • Progress score for maths: -0.6 (Average)

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