Breakfast & After School Club
Our wraparound care club is called Wigglebugs and is operated by the school, in the school premises for our school children, including Nursery pupils.
We operate a breakfast club every morning from 7.45 a.m. There is no need to pre-book a place, simply drop off your child at the entrance to Wigglebugs (the door to the main school hall).
There is a £2.50 per session fee for the breakfast club, which includes breakfast. Breakfast is not served after 8.15 am.
After school club finishes at 6pm. The fee is £6.75 per session until 5.30pm (with an extra small £1.50 fee payable for collection after 5.30pm) and includes a snack and drinks. Pupils must be pre-booked each session so that we know how many children will be attending, and which children are to remain on site at the end of the school day. Because we need to estimate staffing levels, there is a cancellation fee when after school sessions are cancelled within 24 hours and a late collection fee of £5 applies after 6pm.
Sessions can be booked via the school office by telephone or email.
If you child attends either a breakfast club or after school session, we will add payment through