Welcome to Year 5
Our teacher in Year 5 is Mrs Coulthard. We will taught by Mrs Winspear on Thursday afternoons.
We will be supported by a range of adults throughout the week, including Mrs Fleming, Miss Jordan, Mrs Winspear and Miss Noble.
Please find our Year 5 curriculum overview below.
PE days for each half term will be communicated to you by our school office. On P.E. days, please can children come to school in their P.E. kit, with any weather-appropriate extras e.g. an extra jumper, waterproof layer, sun cream, cap etc.
For homework, I ask that the children access Spelling Shed for 30 minutes weekly, where I will have uploaded an assignment of words for them to rehearse. New spellings are typically given on Mondays and will usually be tested 2 weeks later, on a Monday. I also ask that children spend 30 minutes weekly on a maths platform. This may include Maths Shed, TT Rockstars or Timestables.com. If children do not yet know their times tables, practising these weekly would be an excellent place to start!
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to be in touch.